Message from the President PAUS

The annual PAUS meeting serves as the rare opportunity for our urologists to be together, not only for participating in academic activities, but also enabling them to socialize as well. Many professionals in our country do not have an easy access to such international congregations, thus highlighting the importance of this annual meeting.

To ensure that the event provides quality and updated subject information, useful workshops, seminars, and interaction with foreign experts in the field have been arranged.

For PAUS, I envisage a larger and more fruitful role, and during my tenure as the President of the association, I along with my team have laid down the groundwork for it.

Related to this vision, specialty faculties have been formed with an aim not only to have regular subspecialty workshops, national and international seminars but also to develop local guidelines for evidence-based practices.

With the rapid advancement in technology learning has become difficult for our trainees and young surgeons, we should be thinking to develop and strengthen our institution with collaboration with international academic institutions where there is uniformity in training all over Pakistan. PAUS as an academic body can offer its platform.

An additional role of PAUS, beyond academic activities, can be to facilitate developing urology services in the underdeveloped parts of the country, and most importantly promoting the value of ethical practices among us.

Finally, I wish our getting together on this occasion turns out to be a memorable time in terms of learning, sharing knowledge, meeting each other, and taking home useful information for our clinical practices.

Best wishes

Prof M. Hammad Ather